Yesterday I filled my 6 cylinder Dodge Dakota 2-wheel drive pick up. For about 17 gallons of gas I paid over $63.00! $63 is a big chunk of change for the privilege of driving a car. I fill up once a week. The cost of fuel is draining the little cash that the average family has. I own a scooter. I purchased it back in 2006 when gas prices hit $3 a gallon. I have used it a lot when a car isn't necessary. But sometimes a car is necessary. I have a business that requires me to deliver big heavy boxes of cables to local customers. I can't do that on a scooter. I have four children. I can't drive a small Honda or Toyota sedan. I need a mini-van. If we have another child (which we plan on doing) we will have maxed the seating in our mini-van. The madness has to stop because we Americans just don't have the money to fuel our vehicles at these prices.
I have lived in Europe for many years. I've lived in France, Holland, and England. I was always amazed at the tiny cars and the mega-high fuel prices. The two go hand in hand. High fuel costs force people into small cars or on to public transportation. Public transportation is what the government would like us to use. That is a socialist idea. Don't let the people have the ownership and freedom of their own transportation. Force them to use transportation provided by the government. That makes us dependent on the government for one more thing. The more we depend on them, the more we are stuck paying outrageous taxes. Government health care, government housing, government transportation (they use the term "public" because govt. transportation doesn't sound good). We are becoming Europe, without all the good food, old architecture, and intriguing cultures. Where does it end? We've known that we were heading on a collision course with an energy crisis for years. But in our complacency, and in our pride, we've ignored it. Are we the next big empire to crumble? Or does our pride tell us "that could never happen to us!". I'm worried and you should be too.
On the news yesterday I heard that Costco in Utah is rationing how much rice and wheat you can buy! Does this sound promising? You better hope that you have a huge stock of food because every time prices go up at the pump, the cost of your bread and milk goes up. Transporting bread and milk costs money and uses fuel. (Mormons have been instructed to have a 1-2 year supply of food storage for years.... although many of us are not quite there).
So I attempted to ride my mountain bike home yesterday from work with a dual purpose. 1. Shed some extra pounds. 2. Save some gas. (Did I mention I paid $63 dollars to fill my car?) I really enjoy riding my bike. But I grossly underestimate the incline from Orem to Highland. (I should have known that "High" "land" was not just a cute name). It is a 13-14 mile bike ride. I thought that I could do it in an hour. With the hills (they are worse than they seem in a car) it took me about 1 1/2 hours. If I were in better shape, I would have shaved some time off that. Nevertheless, I'm not sure how viable that is for a regular commute.
As these prices at the pump keep going up, it effects us all in every area of our life. Do you know how heavy 1,000 feet of CAT6 wire is? It costs $15-20 to ship this to my customers. That money evaporates my profits. There is no profit in bulk wire right now. A 100 feet SVGA cable or 150 feet HDMI cable? Again, the cost of freight because of the fuel surcharges is eroding profits from every company that is involved in the supply chain and ultimately effects the consumer.
We need to take this seriously and get our national house in order.
Consider these words written by Abraham Lincoln as part of a resolution in 1863:
"'We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in number, wealth, and power as no other Nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God who made us... It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves before the offended power, to confess our . . sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness."
Until next time
The Cable Guy
The cable guy opines is written by an industry expert with more than 14 years experience in the cable and connectivity business. Buy cables now @
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Happy Earth Day to You!
Ahhh, earth day. The memories of spending time with earth. Isn't every day really earth day? I frankly can't get along without her. (Mother Earth that is). So today really is just like every other day. I look at the majestic mountains, the spring flowers, the blooming trees, and just like any other day, I marvel at the wonders of the earth - and these things testify to me of a supreme being who has created it all for the benefit of mankind. (Again, from time to time, I express some of my personal beliefs, and this blog is not endorsed by my company or any of my affiliations. It is simply what it says it is, me opining on different subjects.)
I don't think having an earth day is bad. But like all things, I think it should be done in moderation. I am actually going to ride my bike home from work today. Am I doing this because of earth day? Not really. It's a combination of me needing to lose 30 lbs. and the ridiculous price of gas. (and the fact that we are coming out of the winter freeze. My extra 30 lbs. and the high prices at the pump won't get this mid 30's man out on a bike in freezing snow. Sorry.) But, it is a good thing to do on earth day. Many people will look at me on my bike as I ride home and think, "Now there is someone committed to the earth!" Nah. I've always been committed to the earth. I like to eat. Food comes from the earth. Therefore, I'm a big fan of the earth. Same goes with water. I like to drink water (and yes Diet Coke has a lot of water in it too!) Water comes from earth. Hence, yes, I'm a HUGE raving fan of earth. I like to breathe. It makes me happy. Not breathing is a bummer (I have asthma... I know about not breathing). So, thanks again to? Yes! Mother Earth for all that yummy oxygen. How about all of that pretty gold, nickel, aluminum, and copper in the fancy cables that I sell, that has provided a living over the past 13 years? Yes again! Earth has generously provided every bit of it. The wood that holds my house together? From Venus? NO! From Earth! The soil where our struggling garden is? From Earth! The dirt on which my green (sometimes) grass sits and grows? Yes! Earth! The gravity that keeps me from flying off into outer space! Again, freely provided by our friend the Earth. WOW! Now, am I a tree hugger that is worried about every little thing? No. Do I think the world is over populated? Not even. We can sustain 100 times the population that we have here now on earth. But, I do agree that we could be better stewards of this wonderful planet. I don't think that growing food for fuel is a good idea! Sorry Ethanol. I think your days are over, just like the Wizard on the Wizard of Oz, we've seen behind the curtain, and we realize that you are costing us dearly and saving us not a penny - but costing us a fortune. Let's don't use food to fuel our cars. That's a bad idea.
So on this green day, I will probably listen to some Green Day, I will throw my big gulp cup into a recycle bin, I will ride my bike home from the cable company, I will enjoy the beauty that nature provides gratis, and I will drink some water and breath some yummy air. Why? Because I'm a big fan of earth... Just like the rest of us humans.
Until next time
The Cable Guy
I don't think having an earth day is bad. But like all things, I think it should be done in moderation. I am actually going to ride my bike home from work today. Am I doing this because of earth day? Not really. It's a combination of me needing to lose 30 lbs. and the ridiculous price of gas. (and the fact that we are coming out of the winter freeze. My extra 30 lbs. and the high prices at the pump won't get this mid 30's man out on a bike in freezing snow. Sorry.) But, it is a good thing to do on earth day. Many people will look at me on my bike as I ride home and think, "Now there is someone committed to the earth!" Nah. I've always been committed to the earth. I like to eat. Food comes from the earth. Therefore, I'm a big fan of the earth. Same goes with water. I like to drink water (and yes Diet Coke has a lot of water in it too!) Water comes from earth. Hence, yes, I'm a HUGE raving fan of earth. I like to breathe. It makes me happy. Not breathing is a bummer (I have asthma... I know about not breathing). So, thanks again to? Yes! Mother Earth for all that yummy oxygen. How about all of that pretty gold, nickel, aluminum, and copper in the fancy cables that I sell, that has provided a living over the past 13 years? Yes again! Earth has generously provided every bit of it. The wood that holds my house together? From Venus? NO! From Earth! The soil where our struggling garden is? From Earth! The dirt on which my green (sometimes) grass sits and grows? Yes! Earth! The gravity that keeps me from flying off into outer space! Again, freely provided by our friend the Earth. WOW! Now, am I a tree hugger that is worried about every little thing? No. Do I think the world is over populated? Not even. We can sustain 100 times the population that we have here now on earth. But, I do agree that we could be better stewards of this wonderful planet. I don't think that growing food for fuel is a good idea! Sorry Ethanol. I think your days are over, just like the Wizard on the Wizard of Oz, we've seen behind the curtain, and we realize that you are costing us dearly and saving us not a penny - but costing us a fortune. Let's don't use food to fuel our cars. That's a bad idea.
So on this green day, I will probably listen to some Green Day, I will throw my big gulp cup into a recycle bin, I will ride my bike home from the cable company, I will enjoy the beauty that nature provides gratis, and I will drink some water and breath some yummy air. Why? Because I'm a big fan of earth... Just like the rest of us humans.
Until next time
The Cable Guy
Friday, April 18, 2008
Right Angle HDMI adapter
Have you tried installing one of these new flat HDTVs on a wall? These wall mounts for the flat TVs is a whole industry now, and it's booming. One issue that people have with these TVs is that sometimes the cable is sticking out too far which makes it difficult to get the TV right flush agains the wall.
As a solution to this problem, Professional Cable, LLC, a leading manufacturer of cables, adapters, switches and wire, recently launched the HDMI Righty-Tighty™ - HDMI Port-Saver Right Angle Adapter.
HDMI is becoming the most commonly sold video cable today in the electronics industry because of the popularity of HDTV and high definition video. Cables however can sometimes get in the way when space is limited. The Professional Cable "HDMI Righty-Tighty™" is the perfect solution for tight spots. It turns a regular HDMI cable into a right angled cable, for easy connections in crowded spaces. Professional Video Installers are saying that it is extremely helpful on ceiling mount projectors, wall-mounted LCD TVs, and home theaters.
Professional Cable (PC) is a global cable, adapter, switch, and wire manufacturer and supplier. PC specializes in custom and OEM cable manufacturing, which is done both in the USA and in China. Custom-engineered cables can be used with countless electronic devices in many industries including: medical, automotive, industrial, military, computer, and consumer electronics. PC makes over 1,600 different cable assemblies including many off-the-shelf standard cables used in homes and offices: USB, CAT6, HDMI, SVGA, Micro USB, Mini-USB, Fiber Optic, Telco, Toslink, ATAPI, Ribbon, IDE, SATA, and FireWire cables—just to name a few. PC products can be found at Retailers, Value Added Resellers (VARs), Electrical Wholesalers, and in OEM manufactured products around the globe.
You can purchase the HDMI "Righty Tighty" online at for $8.99.
Unitl next time
The Cable Guy
As a solution to this problem, Professional Cable, LLC, a leading manufacturer of cables, adapters, switches and wire, recently launched the HDMI Righty-Tighty™ - HDMI Port-Saver Right Angle Adapter.
HDMI is becoming the most commonly sold video cable today in the electronics industry because of the popularity of HDTV and high definition video. Cables however can sometimes get in the way when space is limited. The Professional Cable "HDMI Righty-Tighty™" is the perfect solution for tight spots. It turns a regular HDMI cable into a right angled cable, for easy connections in crowded spaces. Professional Video Installers are saying that it is extremely helpful on ceiling mount projectors, wall-mounted LCD TVs, and home theaters.
Professional Cable (PC) is a global cable, adapter, switch, and wire manufacturer and supplier. PC specializes in custom and OEM cable manufacturing, which is done both in the USA and in China. Custom-engineered cables can be used with countless electronic devices in many industries including: medical, automotive, industrial, military, computer, and consumer electronics. PC makes over 1,600 different cable assemblies including many off-the-shelf standard cables used in homes and offices: USB, CAT6, HDMI, SVGA, Micro USB, Mini-USB, Fiber Optic, Telco, Toslink, ATAPI, Ribbon, IDE, SATA, and FireWire cables—just to name a few. PC products can be found at Retailers, Value Added Resellers (VARs), Electrical Wholesalers, and in OEM manufactured products around the globe.
You can purchase the HDMI "Righty Tighty" online at for $8.99.
Unitl next time
The Cable Guy
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Mini HDMI - The newest coolest cable on the block
So here is some news from the cable world...
Professional Cable, LLC Launched "Mini HDMI cables" this week.
As you know, I work for Professional Cable, LLC, a leading manufacturer of cables, adapters, switches and wire. We just launched a line of Mini HDMI cables. HDMI as you may know, is becoming the most commonly sold video cable today in the electronics industry because of the popularity of HDTV and high definition video.
So why this new Mini HDMI Cable? Well, recently, Digital Cameras and Camcorders have started including a "Mini HDMI" connector to support the HDMI interconnect technology. However, in order to connect this equipment to an HDTV with regular HDMI connectors, a converter cable is necessary.
Therefore, responding to the industry needs, my company, Professional Cable, a leading connectivity solution provider, is now manufacturing and stocking Mini HDMI, also called "Type C HDMI", to regular HDMI cables in 1.6 feet (0.5 Meters), 3.2 feet (1 meter), 6.5 feet (2 meters), 10 feet (3 meters), and 15 feet lengths (4.5 Meters).
In addition to the converter cables, Professional Cable is manufacturing and stocking Mini HDMI to Mini HDMI cables in the same lengths.Professional Cable supplies many professional home theater installers and AV (audio/video) dealers with the high-quality cables necessary to connect their professional-grade high-definition equipment such as video projectors, HDTVs, DVDs, satellites, speakers, surround sound systems, and more.
Professional Cable (PC) is a global cable, adapter, switch, and wire manufacturer and supplier. PC also specializes in custom and OEM cable manufacturing, which is done both in the USA and in China. Custom-engineered cables can be used with countless electronic devices in many industries including: medical, automotive, industrial, military, computer, and consumer electronics. PC makes over 1,600 different cable assemblies including many off-the-shelf standard cables used in homes and offices: USB, CAT6, HDMI, SVGA, Micro USB, Mini-USB, Fiber Optic, Telco, Toslink, ATAPI, Ribbon, IDE, SATA, and FireWire cables—just to name a few. PC products can be found at Retailers, Value Added Resellers (VARs), Electrical Wholesalers, and in OEM manufactured products around the globe.
Until next time
The Cable Guy
Orem, Utah
Professional Cable, LLC Launched "Mini HDMI cables" this week.
As you know, I work for Professional Cable, LLC, a leading manufacturer of cables, adapters, switches and wire. We just launched a line of Mini HDMI cables. HDMI as you may know, is becoming the most commonly sold video cable today in the electronics industry because of the popularity of HDTV and high definition video.
So why this new Mini HDMI Cable? Well, recently, Digital Cameras and Camcorders have started including a "Mini HDMI" connector to support the HDMI interconnect technology. However, in order to connect this equipment to an HDTV with regular HDMI connectors, a converter cable is necessary.
Therefore, responding to the industry needs, my company, Professional Cable, a leading connectivity solution provider, is now manufacturing and stocking Mini HDMI, also called "Type C HDMI", to regular HDMI cables in 1.6 feet (0.5 Meters), 3.2 feet (1 meter), 6.5 feet (2 meters), 10 feet (3 meters), and 15 feet lengths (4.5 Meters).
In addition to the converter cables, Professional Cable is manufacturing and stocking Mini HDMI to Mini HDMI cables in the same lengths.Professional Cable supplies many professional home theater installers and AV (audio/video) dealers with the high-quality cables necessary to connect their professional-grade high-definition equipment such as video projectors, HDTVs, DVDs, satellites, speakers, surround sound systems, and more.
Professional Cable (PC) is a global cable, adapter, switch, and wire manufacturer and supplier. PC also specializes in custom and OEM cable manufacturing, which is done both in the USA and in China. Custom-engineered cables can be used with countless electronic devices in many industries including: medical, automotive, industrial, military, computer, and consumer electronics. PC makes over 1,600 different cable assemblies including many off-the-shelf standard cables used in homes and offices: USB, CAT6, HDMI, SVGA, Micro USB, Mini-USB, Fiber Optic, Telco, Toslink, ATAPI, Ribbon, IDE, SATA, and FireWire cables—just to name a few. PC products can be found at Retailers, Value Added Resellers (VARs), Electrical Wholesalers, and in OEM manufactured products around the globe.
Until next time
The Cable Guy
Orem, Utah
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Yeah, I've got an opinion on the FLDS ordeal in Texas
I don't usually shy away from my opinions, and I have an opinion on the FLDS ordeal in Texas.
Now I'll let you know, I am all for strict punishment to anyone who abuses children. In fact, I think our laws are not severe enough for those who abuse children, both sexually and physically. I think that these crimes are the most heinous of crimes, save it be murder of children. Our current laws are not severe enough punishment for these abominable acts of abuse. So I'm torn with this nonsense down in Texas with the FLDS folks. However, I am not comfortable with some of the things the law has done in Texas. The law has gone in to these FLDS homes in San Angelo, Texas and taken all of the children, over 400, from their parents because of one phone call reporting abuse. It is a little scary. At what point do we say, "Enough is enough!" These kids need to be with their parents. I'm not saying return a 14 year old bride to her old husband, but I'm saying let the other kids be with their mothers. I have four children. I can't imagine how hard it would be for them to be taken away from their mother, put into a foreign place where they are surrounded by unfamiliar people, and are not being told when they can go home. I don't like it and I think the law has gone too far. Just because these folks are different than we are, does not give anyone the right to go in and start tearing families apart. Again, if there is abuse involved with certain individuals, if laws are being broken where young underage girls are being married to older men, then yes, by all means, get the law in there and take action. However, it doesn't seem like this is the case with every one of these young children that are in state custody. This is very difficult, and it's easy for me to be critical when I'm hundreds of miles away and don't know all the details, but I do know that little children need their mothers, and that it is in a mother's DNA to take care of her children. I don't think that all of these kids were being abused.
Now I also need to clear something up here since many of my friends and customers outside of Utah are confused about who the FLDS are and if they are involved with the LDS or Mormons. The answer is NO. They are not affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or The Mormons (called LDS or Latter-day Saints). The FLDS are Fundamentalists that believe in Polygamy, something that the LDS Church denounced over 100 years ago. It was over 100 years ago that the FLDS broke from the main religion and started their own offshoot. The LDS Church does not recognize the FLDS as members of their Church, and the FLDS do not recognize the LDS prophet as their prophet. The FLDS are found (obviously in Texas) and in southern Utah in Hildale, UT and Northern Arizona in Colorado City, AZ. They practice plural marriage and observe a strict dress code.
I personally have no problem with Polygamy, except that it is illegal. I would have no problem with it being legalized. I think that it is possible for these families to live good lives and raise good children as polygamists. However, I have serious problems with underage girls being forced to marry an older guy. Again, I have no mercy for these monsters. But if consenting adults want to live a married life together and have children, even dozens of them, I'm fine with that. If the woman is happy with the situation where her husband has other wives, then so be it. I don't see where the government should have a problem with it. Let's legalize it and let these people live their lives. But, and this is a BIG BUT, the minute you start trying to arrange marriages and the women are actually under aged girls, then you've got to face the consequences of the law. Period.
Let's go about this with compassion. Let's treat these people the way we would want to be treated. Protect the children if they truly are in danger, otherwise get them back to their mothers. Remember they are all innocent until proven guilty - let's don't give up that right.
Until next time
The Cable Guy
Orem, Utah
Now I'll let you know, I am all for strict punishment to anyone who abuses children. In fact, I think our laws are not severe enough for those who abuse children, both sexually and physically. I think that these crimes are the most heinous of crimes, save it be murder of children. Our current laws are not severe enough punishment for these abominable acts of abuse. So I'm torn with this nonsense down in Texas with the FLDS folks. However, I am not comfortable with some of the things the law has done in Texas. The law has gone in to these FLDS homes in San Angelo, Texas and taken all of the children, over 400, from their parents because of one phone call reporting abuse. It is a little scary. At what point do we say, "Enough is enough!" These kids need to be with their parents. I'm not saying return a 14 year old bride to her old husband, but I'm saying let the other kids be with their mothers. I have four children. I can't imagine how hard it would be for them to be taken away from their mother, put into a foreign place where they are surrounded by unfamiliar people, and are not being told when they can go home. I don't like it and I think the law has gone too far. Just because these folks are different than we are, does not give anyone the right to go in and start tearing families apart. Again, if there is abuse involved with certain individuals, if laws are being broken where young underage girls are being married to older men, then yes, by all means, get the law in there and take action. However, it doesn't seem like this is the case with every one of these young children that are in state custody. This is very difficult, and it's easy for me to be critical when I'm hundreds of miles away and don't know all the details, but I do know that little children need their mothers, and that it is in a mother's DNA to take care of her children. I don't think that all of these kids were being abused.
Now I also need to clear something up here since many of my friends and customers outside of Utah are confused about who the FLDS are and if they are involved with the LDS or Mormons. The answer is NO. They are not affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or The Mormons (called LDS or Latter-day Saints). The FLDS are Fundamentalists that believe in Polygamy, something that the LDS Church denounced over 100 years ago. It was over 100 years ago that the FLDS broke from the main religion and started their own offshoot. The LDS Church does not recognize the FLDS as members of their Church, and the FLDS do not recognize the LDS prophet as their prophet. The FLDS are found (obviously in Texas) and in southern Utah in Hildale, UT and Northern Arizona in Colorado City, AZ. They practice plural marriage and observe a strict dress code.
I personally have no problem with Polygamy, except that it is illegal. I would have no problem with it being legalized. I think that it is possible for these families to live good lives and raise good children as polygamists. However, I have serious problems with underage girls being forced to marry an older guy. Again, I have no mercy for these monsters. But if consenting adults want to live a married life together and have children, even dozens of them, I'm fine with that. If the woman is happy with the situation where her husband has other wives, then so be it. I don't see where the government should have a problem with it. Let's legalize it and let these people live their lives. But, and this is a BIG BUT, the minute you start trying to arrange marriages and the women are actually under aged girls, then you've got to face the consequences of the law. Period.
Let's go about this with compassion. Let's treat these people the way we would want to be treated. Protect the children if they truly are in danger, otherwise get them back to their mothers. Remember they are all innocent until proven guilty - let's don't give up that right.
Until next time
The Cable Guy
Orem, Utah
Friday, April 4, 2008
Follow Your Dreams!
Today I was talking to someone from my insurance agent's office about life insurance. He was a young guy, not in his "career" yet. He was envious that I was living my dream - having my own business. He said that after he gets a degree in accounting, he wanted to start his own company. He didn't know what, but he wanted to run his own company.
Here is where I feel old. (is that a theme in these blogs? Yeah, I guess so.) I've started many businesses over the years. Some part-time hobbies. Others full fledged businesses. Some failed. Two were successful. I think there are those people who like the thrill of going off on their own. They have the entrepreneur spirit. Others like the comfort of a steady paycheck, and there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, most people I know think I'm insane for leaving a good job to start my own company, something that I've done twice now. I left a well paying job with benefits, both times, to go off and start my own company. To some it is brilliant. To others it is pure insanity.
But that is just me. I see opportunity everywhere. I can't help but thinking of how this or that would make a good business. I have to force myself not to start other businesses while growing Professional Cable, my primary business. I see opportunity all around. If I could duplicate me (and my money) I'd have twenty businesses running all at once. But, alas, I am only one me, and must focus all of my efforts on my baby, Professional Cable.
For example, in Highland, Utah where I live, we have one Subway sandwiches, and one Wendy's. Nothing else to choose from along the fast food genre. Two things that are bank waiting to happen. 1. A good sandwich shop like a Gandolfo's or Jimmy Johns. Subway makes the worst sandwiches of any sandwich shop I've ever been to. I prefer 7 Eleven sandwiches, made the day before (if you're lucky) to the garbage that Subway puts out. I am a big sandwich guy. I love a good sammy. But, Subway is ALWAYS consistently under-par. I've never left there going "That was a good sandwich"! Even on a good day it's mediocre. So a good sandwich shop would thrive. 2. A bagel shop like Einstein. There is jack squat going on in the morning in Highland (and Alpine). It's begging for something along these lines for the hungry commuter that needs to grab something for the road. How do I know? I get my diet coke every morning wishing that I could grab something quick. Not an option.
So anyway, that is just one area that I've noticed has an opportunity for the entrepreneur. There are countless others. Most would take some dough.
But back to my young insurance helper today. He is spending good time and money getting a degree that he really has no interest in. I can't blame him. I too was an accounting major at one point. For me, it was BORING as could be. To quote Glenn Beck, blood would shoot out my eyes every time I would look at those massive balance sheets and income statements. (We did it all by paper and a calculator back in the early 90s) No fancy computers helping us out at the college level. I took several accounting classes at Salt Lake Community College, then later at Brigham Young University before I realized that I would rather be a crash test dummy than be a full-time accountant. Now, don't get me wrong. It's a great profession. My CPA makes a lot of money off me. But I NEED HIM like I need me my diet coke - because I ain't going to do his job. (refer to Glenn Beck again).
So if you're a young unmarried kid with the world ahead of you, GO FOR YOUR DREAMS! Figure out a business that you could start, maybe get a mentor, and GO FOR IT! What do you have to lose really?
Well, in the pursuit of Jason Bringhurst's happiness, I've been very glad that I took the road less travelled, like my friend Scott Peck.
The world is big. The opportunities are endless. Within the past few weeks, we've sold cables to China, Romania, Germany, and India. I've built a good company and have good partners, including my CPA, and that is a formula for success. Whats more, I'm following my dreams. Dreams of cables albeit, but still my dreams of owning my own business.
Until next time
The Cable Guy
Here is where I feel old. (is that a theme in these blogs? Yeah, I guess so.) I've started many businesses over the years. Some part-time hobbies. Others full fledged businesses. Some failed. Two were successful. I think there are those people who like the thrill of going off on their own. They have the entrepreneur spirit. Others like the comfort of a steady paycheck, and there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, most people I know think I'm insane for leaving a good job to start my own company, something that I've done twice now. I left a well paying job with benefits, both times, to go off and start my own company. To some it is brilliant. To others it is pure insanity.
But that is just me. I see opportunity everywhere. I can't help but thinking of how this or that would make a good business. I have to force myself not to start other businesses while growing Professional Cable, my primary business. I see opportunity all around. If I could duplicate me (and my money) I'd have twenty businesses running all at once. But, alas, I am only one me, and must focus all of my efforts on my baby, Professional Cable.
For example, in Highland, Utah where I live, we have one Subway sandwiches, and one Wendy's. Nothing else to choose from along the fast food genre. Two things that are bank waiting to happen. 1. A good sandwich shop like a Gandolfo's or Jimmy Johns. Subway makes the worst sandwiches of any sandwich shop I've ever been to. I prefer 7 Eleven sandwiches, made the day before (if you're lucky) to the garbage that Subway puts out. I am a big sandwich guy. I love a good sammy. But, Subway is ALWAYS consistently under-par. I've never left there going "That was a good sandwich"! Even on a good day it's mediocre. So a good sandwich shop would thrive. 2. A bagel shop like Einstein. There is jack squat going on in the morning in Highland (and Alpine). It's begging for something along these lines for the hungry commuter that needs to grab something for the road. How do I know? I get my diet coke every morning wishing that I could grab something quick. Not an option.
So anyway, that is just one area that I've noticed has an opportunity for the entrepreneur. There are countless others. Most would take some dough.
But back to my young insurance helper today. He is spending good time and money getting a degree that he really has no interest in. I can't blame him. I too was an accounting major at one point. For me, it was BORING as could be. To quote Glenn Beck, blood would shoot out my eyes every time I would look at those massive balance sheets and income statements. (We did it all by paper and a calculator back in the early 90s) No fancy computers helping us out at the college level. I took several accounting classes at Salt Lake Community College, then later at Brigham Young University before I realized that I would rather be a crash test dummy than be a full-time accountant. Now, don't get me wrong. It's a great profession. My CPA makes a lot of money off me. But I NEED HIM like I need me my diet coke - because I ain't going to do his job. (refer to Glenn Beck again).
So if you're a young unmarried kid with the world ahead of you, GO FOR YOUR DREAMS! Figure out a business that you could start, maybe get a mentor, and GO FOR IT! What do you have to lose really?
Well, in the pursuit of Jason Bringhurst's happiness, I've been very glad that I took the road less travelled, like my friend Scott Peck.
The world is big. The opportunities are endless. Within the past few weeks, we've sold cables to China, Romania, Germany, and India. I've built a good company and have good partners, including my CPA, and that is a formula for success. Whats more, I'm following my dreams. Dreams of cables albeit, but still my dreams of owning my own business.
Until next time
The Cable Guy
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
20 years? Are you kidding me?

I've heard of it happening to other people, but I never dreamed it would happen to me. Then like a boot to the head, it did. I'm getting old. My 20 Year High School Reunion Is This Year!!! What is that all about? I'm in shock and awe... Less awe really... Much more shock.
So I signed up to the old High School reunion page, filled out a profile, and told everyone in a couple paragraphs what I've been up to for the past 20 years. (I had to leave a few things out because of the space limits). So then I posted a few recent pictures of me, me and my wife Jen, and me and some of the kids. I then went and read some of the other profiles that had been posted. I think it is great when people only post pictures of their kids. That tells me they've gained a ton of weight or they're bald (or both). Me, I'm doing a fine job in both areas. My hairline is receding without my permission. My weight is out of control. I'm a big dude and I need to shed some poundage. But, I carefully selected some photos that don't make me look like a drunk grizzly bear that has just fattened himself up for the winter hibernation, and posted them. (no photoshopping either). So I say, post away people! We want to see what you've been up to. Most of us have gained weight and lost hair, and I haven't even mentioned the men yet! :)
So other than that freaking me out, and making me reconsider that Stack Attack from Wendy's, life is good. March was a surprisingly busy month. We continue to build our OEM base of customers which is our core focus as a company. April is already looking like a record breaking month as we have a lot of OEM shipments going out in April. The OEM business is tricky. You need to have the best price or you lose the business. However, if you bid the lowest price, you also better have quality cables to back it up, or you lose the business. Yet so many bids come through where they don't consider the quality issue, and they go with some unknown overseas company, and when there is a quality complaint, it falls on deaf ears. That is the advantage to Professional Cable's OEM division. We have the same price as the overseas trading company or factory that you would normally deal with, but we hold our factory to American standards of quality control. Our products must meet the RoHS directives. Our HDMI, FireWire, and USB cables are certified. We aren't cutting corners. Occasionally we will lose a bid to a lower price. But our customers know once they start doing business with us, that they can rely on us to give them a competitive price, and that our quality will meet or exceed their requirements. We back our OEM cables with a lifetime warranty. You don't get that from other companies. If there is a problem, you get to pick up a phone and talk to someone in English that is on your time zone.. (mountain standard... close enough anyway).
So the OEM cable business is good. We are in so many industries, that while maybe one industry is feeling the pains of the slowing economy, our customers in the other industries are still booming. We also have international accounts that actually are taking advantage of the weaker dollar. The Euro can buy more cables now days. Our company is a global operation tied to economies in Asia, Europe, Canada, India, Mexico, South America, and the USA. Our customer base is not just in the technology industry. I'm not saying that we are recession proof, I'm just glad that we aren't only tied to a small segment of the US economy.
Before I go, I should mention that Professional Cable has monthly specials. This is a good opportunity to try out a product that you haven't purchased before or to stock up on a product that you like because we really slash prices on these items for the month. It helps expose our broad product range to all of our customers excepting the OEM accounts. For more information, please contact us.
Until next time
The Cable Guy
So I signed up to the old High School reunion page, filled out a profile, and told everyone in a couple paragraphs what I've been up to for the past 20 years. (I had to leave a few things out because of the space limits). So then I posted a few recent pictures of me, me and my wife Jen, and me and some of the kids. I then went and read some of the other profiles that had been posted. I think it is great when people only post pictures of their kids. That tells me they've gained a ton of weight or they're bald (or both). Me, I'm doing a fine job in both areas. My hairline is receding without my permission. My weight is out of control. I'm a big dude and I need to shed some poundage. But, I carefully selected some photos that don't make me look like a drunk grizzly bear that has just fattened himself up for the winter hibernation, and posted them. (no photoshopping either). So I say, post away people! We want to see what you've been up to. Most of us have gained weight and lost hair, and I haven't even mentioned the men yet! :)
So other than that freaking me out, and making me reconsider that Stack Attack from Wendy's, life is good. March was a surprisingly busy month. We continue to build our OEM base of customers which is our core focus as a company. April is already looking like a record breaking month as we have a lot of OEM shipments going out in April. The OEM business is tricky. You need to have the best price or you lose the business. However, if you bid the lowest price, you also better have quality cables to back it up, or you lose the business. Yet so many bids come through where they don't consider the quality issue, and they go with some unknown overseas company, and when there is a quality complaint, it falls on deaf ears. That is the advantage to Professional Cable's OEM division. We have the same price as the overseas trading company or factory that you would normally deal with, but we hold our factory to American standards of quality control. Our products must meet the RoHS directives. Our HDMI, FireWire, and USB cables are certified. We aren't cutting corners. Occasionally we will lose a bid to a lower price. But our customers know once they start doing business with us, that they can rely on us to give them a competitive price, and that our quality will meet or exceed their requirements. We back our OEM cables with a lifetime warranty. You don't get that from other companies. If there is a problem, you get to pick up a phone and talk to someone in English that is on your time zone.. (mountain standard... close enough anyway).
So the OEM cable business is good. We are in so many industries, that while maybe one industry is feeling the pains of the slowing economy, our customers in the other industries are still booming. We also have international accounts that actually are taking advantage of the weaker dollar. The Euro can buy more cables now days. Our company is a global operation tied to economies in Asia, Europe, Canada, India, Mexico, South America, and the USA. Our customer base is not just in the technology industry. I'm not saying that we are recession proof, I'm just glad that we aren't only tied to a small segment of the US economy.
Before I go, I should mention that Professional Cable has monthly specials. This is a good opportunity to try out a product that you haven't purchased before or to stock up on a product that you like because we really slash prices on these items for the month. It helps expose our broad product range to all of our customers excepting the OEM accounts. For more information, please contact us.
Until next time
The Cable Guy
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