Friday, July 18, 2008

“Un-politically Correct Comments” or “The Plainness of Their Words”

*Occasionally I will blog about things that pertain to my personal beliefs, my religion, or simply my opinion. These blogs are not affiliated or endorsed by my company. This is one of those blogs. It is also written more for an LDS (Mormon) audience.*

Today on my morning commute to le bureau, I was listening to the Bob Lonsberry show on AM radio. Bob was asking for thoughts comments on a situation where a father & husband, told his wife of many years that he had decided that he was gay. And he had decided that he first knew he was gay when he was about 9 years old. And he was thinking of telling his two oldest children (ages 9 and 11) that he was gay, but that he and their mom would likely still stay together. He said that he would probably stay with his wife and not look for any one else. But, he had recently realized the leaders of the Church were wrong when it came to same-gender attraction because they didn’t approve of it. It wasn’t his fault he said because God made him that way. Lastly he said that he had a rock-solid testimony of the gospel, the Book of Mormon. Riiiiight.

Well, I wanted to call in and opine about this, but I couldn’t get through. I may not have even called the right number. Hint to Mr. Lonsberry, “Say your number a little slower and maybe repeat it once in awhile!”

In any case, this is what I wanted to say this morning.

I have a confession to make. I too have a problem like this gentleman. I have an opposite-gender attraction. Yes. I’m embarrassed to say this. I know it must be shocking. I am indeed attracted to the opposite sex.

I first noticed my opposite-gender attraction when I was around 8 years old. I however lived a normal childhood, despite this problem. I went on and served an honorable full-time 2-year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church). I served in Bordeaux, France. I would occasionally see a beautiful woman, (yes, imagine that, a beautiful woman in France!) and my opposite-gender attraction would tempt me, but I suppressed it and put it out of my mind. I later married, and had a wonderful family with four children. But I knew that I still had this opposite-gender attraction.

So I think that I should confront my wife with this and admit, when I see a beautiful woman, I am attracted to her. I can’t help it. God made me this way. So I should probably tell my children about my attraction…the two oldest anyway, because they are 8 and 10 and should handle this OK. I will probably stay with my wife, but I’m not sure. I know I made all those covenants in the temple and all, promising to be faithful for time and all eternity… but then this whole opposite-gender attraction thing came along. I thought that I’d magically be cured after getting married in the temple. I guess I too must now need to question the leaders of the Church because they do not approve of me fornicating with other women, even though I clearly have this desire to. You know, I have this opposite-gender attraction that God gave me, so really, what else can I do? Of course I have a rock-solid testimony, just not about adultery, keeping covenants, and being a good father, and maybe some other things that I will decide at my will and convenience if they jive with how I want to live my life with my problem of opposite-gender attraction.

OK, now as you know I’m being facetious here. But, it sounds so ridiculous when you change the attraction from same-sex to opposite-sex. Of course it’s not OK to act on either of those feelings. Most men do have opposite-sex attractions even after years of marriage. So if you have gay tendencies, boo hoo. Why should you get a free-pass to ignore all the commandments just because you have same-sex attraction? We all have our temptations, and like or not, there are commandments. God has His laws. And just because you don’t like them because you can’t go off and do anything you want, well, welcome to the club! I’m bound to the same laws, and I’ll tell you what, I have every bit as much temptation as you gay folks. (or you folks with gay tendencies). I don’t believe for a second that your desires are any stronger than my desires.

In summary, we all must live within the bounds God has laid for us. If you don’t live within these bounds, you are not in accordance with God’s commandments. That is the truth. Some take the truth to be hard because of the plainness of the words. Well my brothers and sisters, this life is a test for us all. We all have our temptations. I love my wife, and I don't want to hurt her. I'm attracted to my wife, so it's all good. I love my children, and don't want to hurt them. I believe that we are here for a purpose. That's where that whole Plan of Salvation thing comes in and families can be together forever. We do have a prophet here luckily to guide the Church and teach us the will of the Lord. The scriptures are clear. The Book of Mormon especially is clear. The Ensign and General Conference words are even clearer. Read "The Family -A Proclomation to The World." We know what we are supposed to do. Look in your heart and pray about it. Be ye not deceived.

Until Next Time
The Cable Guy


Elder Samuel Bennett said...

How do you feel about goats?

JB said...

Exactly! We can't forget the goats.