So about three years ago gas started skyrocketing and I decided to get a scooter to tool around on. I drive it to work on nice days (and on some bad), take it to the grocery store when I just need to run get a couple things, etc. I love the scooter. It's a 150cc with plenty of power to get this 200+ lbs guy well above 55 MPH when needed. I had to get a motorcycle license, and I wear appropriate gear such as gloves, a helmet, etc. I'm out there exposed just like the motorcycles are.... yet, they have their little elite club. Unless you've driven a motorcycle (or possibly a scooter) you may not know about this. But when two motorcycles pass, they hold out their hand in the "motorcycle wave" or "biker wave". (see photo) This is to recognize each other because you're now in a brotherhood of bikers. You're out there exposed to the dangers of automobiles without the protection of airbags and a bunch of steel around you. So you'd think that scooters, being in the same situation, would be part of this little club and get the courtesy wave. Nope. We are second class citizens to the bikers. They don't wave to us. Occasionally I get a wave because they think I'm on a motorcycle (my scooter is actually quite large. It's not a little 25 MPH 50cc scooter). Once they realize that I'm just a scooter, they want to retract the wave. NO! YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE CLUB! I TAKE THAT GESTURE OF KINDNESS AND FELLOWSHIP BACK!

So do the scooters have their own little secret wave? No, not really. We are enjoying buzzing around getting 60-80 miles to the gallon. You know what? Scooters are a lot of fun! We may not get respect from the bikers, but it is a different experience. I've owned a motorcycle. It's really cool, but a total different experience. Scooters are easy to drive, and you can easily get from A to B with little effort. Motorcycles are much better for longer trips. If you're into cruising and road trips, scooters aren't going to be your cup of tea. But for quick trips to the store, or a mega-economical way to commute to work (not on the freeway), they are perfect. My scooter is red. I always wanted a red scooter (Honda Elite) in high school. They are a blast.
As I've travelled on business and pleasure around the world, I've noticed how many other countries use scooters for everyday transportation. In Europe it is very common to see scooters everywhere. Teenagers never have cars, they have scooters. In Taiwan and China, cars are almost more of a status-symbol. You start out driving a scooter until you can afford a car. Parking for scooters is crazy and driving one must be absolutely a wild experience. I've only seen it from inside a taxi cab. I'm posting a picture of scooters parked in Taiwan.
I told one of our factory partners there that I drove a scooter to work and he wouldn't believe me. He couldn't understand why I would do that when I had a perfectly good car... again, it's a bit of a status symbol. I'd probably drive the scooter with or without the high gas prices. I just really enjoy it.

So if you're thinking about buying a scooter because of the horribly high gas prices, I'm all for it. The more of us on the road the better. Then the car drivers will get used to us and it will be safer for everyone.
As for high gas prices, it is killing me. I have a really cool old 1969 Chevy pick up that gets less than 10 miles to the gallon. It is draining every penny I have to drive this thing while my car is in the shop getting work done. I put $30 dollars in it yesterday, and after driving up to Salt Lake City, UT and back to Orem, Utah, I had used the whole $30. How are we going to make it with these old cars? As for mine? It's up for sale... and not a lot of interest. Everyone is thinking the same thing. "Let's get a smaller more economical car." It's really affecting business too. It's hard to make any money on bulk CAT5e and CAT6 wire at work. The freight is absolutely through the roof. Heavy cables like DVI, SVGA, and HDMI cables, especially the extra long ones, are the same. The fuel surcharges keep going up and up. It's hard to stay on top of them.

I think we need some solutions, and fast. We have a ton of oil in Utah. Let's drill it baby! Let's drill in Alaska! And while we are drilling, lets get working on a fast track to some alternative energy sources. Whoever comes up with a way to retro-fit these old cars with some money-saving alternative is going to make a lot of dough. Weather it be natural gas, solar, wind, hybrid, electric, whatever. Let's get a move on it. The price of fuel is really starting to hurt.
Until next time
The Cable Guy
Rock on, dude! Long live the scooter!
I ride an Aprilia SR50R Factory, and get waves from everyone from sport bike riders to Harley riders. Slow speed or fast speeds, I rarely don't get waved at, but I get the best reactions from Aprilia/BMW/Ducati [and other high end bike] riders. I assume this is because they realize it's an Aprilia and not a 25mph Vespa. It's only 49cc, but its water-cooled and fuel injected, and tops out around 60ph.
Check out my blog: http://pghalttrans.edublogs.org
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