1. 1975 Chevy Nova. My first car. I got it when I turned 16. It will always have a sweet spot in my heart. I spent a lot of time in this car delivering pizzas for my first job, going on my first date, driving to high school, etc.

2. 1976 Audi 100 LS. This was a LEMON... but oh I loved this car. I replaced the engine and painted the car white from its brown original color. The interior was tan and black. It was a sweet eye-catching machine. The license plate said "RAUID1". I stored this while on my mission and drove it after I came home for awhile. I now know that it is a horrible idea to try and store a car for two years while on a mission. Cars don't do well when they sit for two years. Problems persisted and I sold it.
3. 1970 Chevy Pickup. This was the third car that I purchased before my mission. I put a transmission in this (with the help from my friend Scott), put new chrome rims on it, and had it painted. I sold this before my mission and it helped fund my mission.
The next three are somewhat questionable, because they were purchased for my mom when she was tight on money. But I think that I paid for them and sold them, so they were legally all my cars.

6. 1978 Subaru wagon. This car was a lemon, but mom drove it for a long time.
7. 1987 Honda Civic Hatchback. This car was light blue with blue interior. It was a 5-speed. I came home from my mission and got rid of the Audi. I wanted something that was dependable as I was commuting to Provo every day to go to BYU. This car holds a sweet spot in my heart, and it's probably why I love Honda's so much. It was a great car. On a trip from Lake Powell to Salt Lake I got 50 MPG. It lasted me all through BYU. After getting married, Jen drove this car until she couldn't take it any more in the heat. (no A/C).
8. 1985 Toyota pickup truck. The week before we got married, I bought this Toyota pickup for $200 from a customer (at Texaco). They had a courier business and this was one of the two original trucks. It had over 250k miles on it when I bought it. It ran like a champ and I later sold it for $750. It stressed Jen out, and it was a foreshadowing of all the cars that we'd see together.
9. 1987 GMC Jimmy 4x4. Not much to say here. It was a major gas guzzler. I liked going off road in this up Hobble Creek canyon back when we could afford to just go drive for fun.
10. 1993 Mazda Protege. This was our first car with A/C. Jen quickly claimed this car for herself and loved it to death. We sold this when we went to Holland to live for 2 years.
11. 1992 Oldsmobile. This was my first corporate car. I decided that since I had started a corporate job, I needed to drive a 4-door sedan that had A/C. We sold this to my Uncle Brent before going to Holland.
I had three different company cars in Holland and England. I won't put them in the blog.
12. 1987 Mazda 626. Upon returning to America from England and Holland, we purchased a Mazda for cheap. It was not the best car. We had this for less than a year.
13. 1999 Dodge Dakota 4x4. This was the first car ever that I bought brand new. It was shiny red with a dark grey interior. It was a beautiful truck. It was new, and while I had it dependable. I really enjoyed it. Gas was reasonable at the time. I took it off-road a lot and went camping, etc. I was also Elder's Quorum President while I had this truck and I moved half of the ward in and the other half out while living in Springville. I left my youth and my back with the truck.
About this time I also got a 1999 Pontiac Grand Prix company car. I had it for like 2 months before I was laid off

14. 1965 Ford Mustang. This will also hold a special place in my heart because this was my dream car. I love love loved this car. It was a head-turner. I sold it to help fund my start-up business Offspring Technologies (that I started in 2001 with my friend Shawn Rapier). I have a wonderful memory buying this car too. I bought it on ebay (and sold it on ebay). My buddy Scott and I flew to Sacramento, CA and drove it back home. It was a real fun experience.

15. 1998 Pontiac Bonneville. The single worst car I've owned. I bought it and before the license plate had come (still had the new temp. tag on it), the transmission had gone out. I never really liked the car. It was a bad decision. I sold it within like 6 months.

16. 1987 Ford Taurus. Now car experts looking at the list might expect this one to be the lemon. But, for us, we had a great experience with this car. We had it several years and put over 40k miles on it. I know lots of others who had major problems with the Ford Taurus.
17. 1999 Honda Accord. As I look through the list of cars I can see mistakes, regrets of buying, and regrets of selling. This is the latter. I loved this car. It was a super great dependable smooth car. I traded it in when we decided to get company Land Rovers.... looking back, that was a bad idea. I'd drive this car again any day. What was even better was I went from the horrible Pontiac Bonneville to this one.
18. 1998 Plymouth Voyager. We still have this one!!!!!!!!!!!! Whewhoooooo! Now you didn't expect to see that so soon. This has been such a great reliable family car, we haven't had any reason to change. Love it! Finally in the tally of cars that I've owned, an American-made car that has been stellar.
19. 2001 Land Rover Freelander. This car evokes mixed emotions. It's kind of like the Hindenburg for me. I was so proud in the beginning when I bought it. This was a company car purchased by MY company! (and Shawn's company). I loved it. It was amazing off road and in the snow. It was brand new. (My second brand new car purchased). However, when we sold the company, this car became a big old fat weight and burst into flames crashing down... figuratively of course. Then gas prices soared, and I wanted out.

21. 2004 Toyota Camry. I bought this new. Got rid of the Land Rover. Again, looking back, this was a keeper.... but I didn't keep it. I really liked this car. It would have probably lasted me until I was 65. But, I was let go (forced out... agreed to resign at gun point, or at the point of a knife from an attorney, threat of lawsuit, etc.) from Advantus and decided to try real estate. I didn't want a car payment, so I sold the car.... Should have kept this one.
22. 2000 Mazda Protege. I am really neutral on this car. It was a decent car. I bought it, then started real estate and found out quickly that the car you drive is a big deal in real estate. This car was not sending the right message. (however my Camry would have been ideal.) I had this car for like 3 months.

23. 1995 Lexus LS300. Trying to stay out of debt while not bringing home any money, I went with a luxury car that was good on gas and reliable. This is a great car and I'm glad that my mom was able to buy this from me.
23. 2005 Dodge Dakota. After starting another cable company, I thought that I'd offer local deliveries, so a truck would be essential. This is almost right up there with the Pontiac Bonneville. Instead of a transmission going out, it was the engine. Luckily this was under warranty. Although I put a couple thousand into other repairs. At the same time, another massive spike in gas prices. They rose about $1 up to $4 a gallon. I had to ditch this big fat lemon. I felt the same way as I did when I ditched the Pontiac Bonneville. Yahoo!!!!

24. 2008 Honda Civic. This is probably the coolest and sportiest car that I've ever owned. I love this car. It is my newest edition and I think that I'll have this for a long time. It gets great gas mileage and it is brand new, so no repairs. I really like the look, the drive, and pretty much everything about this car. (except for the payment).
I'll add this one in, because my brother Nick mentioned it as a "vehicle" purchase. It was more of a toy, but a gas-saving toy that I did drive to work a lot. I recently sold it.

So there you have it. I may have got the year of a car wrong here or there, and heck, I may have even missed a few. But this is how I remember it. 88 lines about 25 cars.
Until next time
The Cable Guy
Awesome and amazing!!
If I were picking from your list, I'd take that '76 Courier (a nice one, like in the picture.) I love that little truck.
I need to update this. None of the cars listed as currently owned are now currently owned by me. I've replaced the Mini Van with a 1999 GMC Suburban, the Chevy Pickup was sold, and the Honda was replaced by a 1999 Lexus RX300.... Wow I have problems holding on to cars!
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