First, the operating system itself is Linux based, referred to as android. While it has frozen once or twice it has not been nearly as troublesome as the mobile version of windows. The down side to this is that you have to find applications that will do the work that you would normally have Microsoft office mobile for. They are mostly available through the Android market, an application that comes with the phone for purchasing and downloading applications. Of these many different applications one of my favorite so far has been shop-savy. It utilizes the phones 3 mega-pixel camera to scan bar codes and search local stores and the Internet for the best prices of an item. Since this is a phone produced by Google it naturally has access to all the Google application that everyone uses including Google maps. Very handy if you’re the kinda person that needs directions and gets lost easily. Another thing I like about the phone is that it has a flip-up screen revealing the full keyboard underneath. Having this makes it much easier for texting. I mentioned before that it comes with a 3 mega-pixel camera, it’s pretty good for a camera-phone. It takes some pretty great pictures too. I’ve started using it as my main camera. It also works as a MP3 player, whoever make sure you have the right adapter for it so you can plug in your head phones, as the speaker, located in the center of the back, isn’t the greatest and could be better. For memory storage the phone relies on micro sd cards, which are becoming more and more common. Getting the music and videos, as well as other media that you would like to read, listen to, or watch, onto the phone does require a mini usb to usb connection cable. It does come with one but the cable its self is fairly short, I would suggest getting a longer one. Whatacable!.com is a great place to get them. The full touch screen is a nice feature to it as well, making it easy to navigate around the phone. If this isn’t your forte’ then the phone has a trackball mouse that works excellent too. For memory storage the phone relies on micro sd cards, which are becoming more and more common. Getting the music and videos, as well as other media that you would like to read, listen to, or watch, onto the phone does require a mini usb to usb connection cable. It does come with one but the cable its self is fairly short, I would suggest getting a longer one. If you lose one or need an extra Mini USB Cable Whatacable.com is a great place to get them. As well you can use a micro sd card adapter to plug the card into a card reader and transfer the dad that way, you would need to have a USB card reader for that though, which you can also get at WhataCable.com J charging the phone does require a mini-usb cable. Now if your like me you have limited usb ports with which to use on your computer. I run out very often trying to connect everything, my solution…a 7-Port USB hub, also available on WhataCable!
This phone may not be for everyone, but it has been my favorite phone that I have had to date. It is one that I would recommend to most anybody, the business professional or the general consumer. It's just a great phone.
(Written by: Guest Editor Z-Cable-Guy)
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